Office Spaces
Office spaces have so much opportunity for bringing engaging imagery to inspire. We've been able to brainstorm with our clients to create custom works that fit their spaces and best support their team.
Nine Circles Community Health Centre
Curatorial Statement by Brianna Wentz
Artists: Jessica Canard and Kiana Fontaine
Nanaandawi'odizowin, the Anishinaabe concept of self-healing or self-medicating, which was suggested by Elder Albert McLeod, was the overarching theme of this mural project. We wanted to draw parallels between nanaandawi’odizowin and Pleasure Activism, a term coined by adrienne maree brown (and a key principle at Nine Circles), which is the idea that pleasure is a radical act of resistance and a tool for strengthening ourselves and our communities.
The process of conceptualizing and brain storming of the mural was lead in collaboration with the community. This collaboration was key to the creation of the central theme of the mural, community strength. Such suggestions from the community included the subjects, themes, and colour schemes of the mural.
Community strength ended up being a central component to both the process as well as the final outcome, as community input was built into the consultation process and members of the community had direct say in the subjects, themes, and colour schemes incorporated into the mural.
We began by meeting with key members of Nine Circles staff, community members, and elders to present possible artists, where they selected Jessica Canard and Kiana Fontaine. Then everyone, including artists, met in person to tour the building and photograph the spaces, and it was then that the group decided to focus on the Pit Stop as the primary focus. Two workshops were held where members of the public were invited to brainstorm, sketch, and mix colours that they would like to see in the space. Through causal group discussions, the artists were able to gain an understanding of how people accessing Nine Circles’ services wanted to feel when they entered the space.
Taking into account the sketches, colours, and images that people had made during the workshops, Jessie and Kiana came up with designs that incorporated elements of nature, animals, and representations of love. Jessie designed and painted a nature scene an the curved wall near the back entrance, which features white bison, a trout, a bear, and an eagle, all rendered in a bold, graphic style.The bison, bear, and eagle, being symbols of respect, courage, and love, in the Seven Sacred Teachings. Behind the Pit Stop, Jessie and Kiana collaborated on an image of a drum, surrounded by strawberries, also referred to as heart berries. Kiana designed and painted the large wall in the waiting area, incorporating butterflies, a turtle- the symbol of truth in the Seven Sacred teachings, the moon cycle, her signature floral vines, and two doves surrounded by heart berries. The colour palette is bright and cheerful throughout, creating a warm and welcoming scene to guide visitors from the backdoor, toward the Pit Stop, and into the waiting area.
It is our hope that people accessing resources, such as safer sex supplies, snacks, and harm reduction kits, will feel welcome and accepted by the animals. They are symbols of respect, love, truth, gentleness, and courage, all of which are embodied by the work and community that is Nine Circles.
Urban Systems
Skip The Dishes
Skip The Dishes
Vinyl Multi-Layer Mural
The artist Priscilla Yu made this multi-layered mural is in their tech room, and is inspired by the aesthetic of computer circuit boards. As a pattern enthusiast, the artist couldn't help but pick out the lines, and little circles as decorative patterns, as she worked with depth and dimensionality.
Johnston Group
Nor West Community Co-Op
Joseph Pilapil using his sign painting skills on this central wall for community heroes Nor-West Community Co-Op!
HTFC Planning
Katherine Boyer painting a mural on-site in the HTFC Office! Katherine’s mural is based on a 1806 hand-drawn map of water bodies between Cumberland House and Spit Lake by Cree cartographer Cha Chay Pay Way Ti.
Blueprint Consulting
The Link: Youth and Family Supports
The Link: Youth and Family Supports: A Mural by Jan Castillo
Bees are a graphic representation of the services that The Link: Youth and Family Supports provide. The Link, like a hive, serves as a productive safe haven in the community. Their staff works together to help youth and families and, in return, their patrons help pollinate and spread positivity to the world.